- Disadvantages Of Life Insurance Through Superannuation
By Kenneth Echie
The war on crime is taking many avenues today. From increased police presence to community awareness programs, cities are pulling no punches when it comes to winning this war. One position that has been developed is the crime prevention specialist.
This is usually a non-sworn position for someone to work as a liaison between police and the community. Before you decide this is a career choice for you, there are some things you need to know.
It is very important that you know what the educational requirements are for the area in which you are applying. Across the nation, there are differing levels of education you must have to become a crime prevention specialist.
In one state, a two-year degree is required along with one year of relative work experience with no exceptions or substitutions. In other areas of the country for specialized fields such as youth, five years of experience in law enforcement is required. For different states, you may find any combination of the above is required.
Be sure your education and experience line up with the unit you are applying for. Also be prepared for intense background checks, drug tests or even a voice stress test that is similar to a polygraph.
Information you must know about qualifications:
Again, these qualifications may vary from place to place, here is a broad look at the programs that you will need at least some knowledge in:
1) Community crime prevention programs on both the state and federal level; DARE, Neighborhood Watch, Operation ID ( fingerprinting children), and safety and security issues as they pertain to special groups like children and the elderly.
2) General theories and practice of public relations.
3) Reading and comprehension of written reports on a level that allows you to implement actions aimed at meeting team goals.
4) Produce graphic design brochures for training programs and community awareness.
5) Great interpersonal skills that allow for good working environment as well as good community relations.
These are just a few of the skill sets you may need to develop to work as a crime prevention specialist in your area.
Job Duties:
Many job duties come along with this line of work. Below you will find sample job duties that you may encounter as a crime prevention specialist:
1) Meet with community members and or leaders to help resolve issues including neighborhood disputes and grievances. Then identify the conditions that may have caused the problems and a program to fix them.
2) Prepare and deliver training on prevention of common criminal activities such as burglary, robbery, internal theft, shoplifting, fraud, identity theft, sexual abuse and or rape as well as personal protection issues.
3) Work with business and community leaders on methods of preventing crimes including the use of security systems and alarms.
Each city may add to or take away from this job description as the needs of the community dictate. I urge you to do more research on the crime prevention specialist career. You can do this by visiting websites that cover the career in more detail.
About the Author: Copywrite Kenneth Echie. Kenneth writes for Criminal Justice Degrees. Get free scholarship report and learn to become a Crime Prevention Specialist by visiting. Affiliated Website: Residual Income
Source: isnare.com
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