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Puppy Training – The Best Meal Time Rules for your Puppy
SamPup MoorePuppy Meal-Time Rules
A great deal of the schooling that you will do together with your dog centres on giving reward – a treat or tidbit – therefore it is fundamentally centred on food. It follows that meals themselves should be controlled and calm interactions which are controlled by you setting the meal time rules. Don\’t overlook the
puppy obedience training
, you are the dominant head and you eat primarily and determine when the group eats.
The four meal time rules:
Rule 1.
Don\’t feed your pet between meals. Everyone in your household and any visitors to your house must adhere to this ruling. You are the leader and sole giver of food and your puppy must understand this.
Rule 2.
Don\’t have regular times when you give food to your puppy. If your puppy does not realize when his meal is coming he will not anticipate it. This will re-enforce the idea that you are the leader and you determine when the pack eats. Be certain that he grasps that you eat first – even though it\’s just a cup of coffee and a biscuit! To start up, let him witness you eating before you feed him. By no means feed him immediately before you sit down to dine – it will seem to him that he is eating before you and belittle your authority.
Rule 3.
By no means tolerate any playing about or barking at meal times. It should be a calm and quiet event. If the puppy is excitable then wait before you feed him, just pay no attention to him and get on with doing something else. Once he is calm, present the meal then move away – making the point that you, the person in charge, have determined he can now eat.
Rule 4.
Don\’t allow your puppy to walk away from his food. He must learn that he has no influence over meals. If he does get distracted and goes to play instead of eating, at that time remove the food and don\’t offer anything until the next appropriate meal. He needs to understand that
puppy play time
is also governed by rules too! This may seem fairly cruel and tough, however he has to grasp that a meal is just that, and he doesn\’t have any preference in what time he eats. He will understand this lesson extremely quickly!
Meal Time Rules demonstrate that you are the leader.
Remember that food and your power over it are very strong tools in illustrating to your puppy that you are the leader of the pack and are in charge of each part of his existence. This isn\’t harsh, you are putting your puppy at ease by showing his status – just as in the wild – and he will feel relaxed knowing that you are in command and making all the decisions. The only thing he has to do is be well-behaved and enjoy himself!
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