Things To Check Before Calling A Heating Contractor In Appleton Wi

byAlma Abell

?HVAC units are complex machines composed of mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and refrigeration parts. If one part malfunctions, it may affect the performance of other components. If a system is malfunctioning and the owner isn’t sure what the problem is, they can try these tips to get their systems back in shape before calling for heating contractor in Appleton WI.

No Power? Look at the Circuit Breaker and Thermostat

If the unit isn’t getting any power, it won’t turn on no matter how hard the owner tries. Before calling a technician, check the circuit breakers to see if any are tripped. If that doesn’t work, check the unit’s thermostat to see that it’s set properly. Turn it down by five degrees and wait for the system to turn on. If these efforts are unsuccessful, it’s time to call a pro.

Condensate Drain Issues

If the thermostat and breakers are functioning normally, check the air handler for accumulated water. AC systems have safety features that turn them off when the condensate pan overflows. Check the condensate drain before calling for service.

Check and Change the AC Filter

HVAC technicians answer many calls caused by one of the system’s simplest devices: the filter. If the AC is rapidly cycling on and off, check to see if the filter is clogged. A clogged filter can result in higher cooling costs and it can even cause the unit to fail early. Check the filter once per month, and replace it when it becomes clogged with dust.

Rattling Air Ducts

Other common issues are uneven cooling and a lack of airflow from the vents. Clanging and rattling noises often accompany these problems. If this occurs, the ducts may be dirty, loose, or disconnected. Call a Heating Contractor in Appleton WI for help with ductwork repair.

Look at the Outside Unit

There’s another part of the HVAC system to check before making a call for service. Check the outdoor unit for blockages that may prevent air from flowing through the grille. In some cases, the condenser coil may be covered in debris and dirt, which degrades cooling by preventing the release of heat energy.

HVAC failures never happen at a convenient time, but these simple troubleshooting steps can prevent many problems. If a homeowner has any questions about these tips or if they want to schedule service, they can contact us today.